There could be a lot of answers to this simple question. I remember back then when I’m still finding for a living. The interviewer asked this question and though I’m not the one being asked, I still pondered what will I answer in case. After the applicant answered, the interviewer shared what he would do. I can’t recall his exact words but it goes something like this. “I would do the same thing, go to bar and drink ice cold beer.”

learned that he came from abroad from years of hard work and now decided to find ways in his own land. He definitely missed his family and he cannot keep his emotion the way he delivered his answer. He didn't cry but you can feel that bursting emotion how eager he is to be with his family. Such feeling I suppose is mutual for those who are working abroad or for those who finally realize at their old age that they haven’t invested enough to their family.
But then again, why wait for this question, only to realize that we paid less attention to our family or hasn’t maximised our days of probation. This goes to everyone, whether you’re working abroad or not. Why is it, that when someone knows his remaining days or hours would then maximise it but won't on the contrary? The reason is simple “We don’t want to accept that any moment from now we can die.” This is a wake-up call for us. We can use our freedom of choice and choose today to find ways to serve our family and our fellow being. Albert Einstein said, “Only a life lived for others is worth living.” and I know that to be true. And if we will choose to apply this principle today, we will not worry if we have ten minutes to spare of our lives.
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