If there’s one thing that I can’t stop doing aside from
loving my wife, that would be buying. Since almost everyday we have to buy,
I’ll share major tips and hope that we allow the power of choice to choose the
right in doing so.
1st, PLAN AHEAD. Write it the things that you need to buy and jot down as well the allocated budget. Keeping the receipt (if available) or jotting down the amount paid is a nice habit. This will help you project the right amount avoiding excessive cash on hand while at the market. I personally find it effective to bring additional 10% in case there will be a rise in the market. Since this will help you to focus only what you have written, it will avoid unnecessary buying habit created by the sales person of which they are pretty good in creating a need.

3rd, TAKE
ADVANTAGE OF SALES. Sales are nice thing but don’t just merely think how
much you can save but also when it will expire. Be careful with the promos
especially when it comes to can goods, noodles, and beverages. More often its
expiration is near to its end. This is very helpful especially if we intend to
keep the goods for emergencies. Window
shopping will help you be acquainted from Market Sales. But if you do window
shopping, define it! Just do window shopping. Some say they’ll do window
shopping but end up buying right there and then. The lesson is, don’t bring any
mode of buying capacity and stick with your plan to just do window shopping.
4th, AVOID
USING CREDIT CARD or better yet, DON’T BRING IT! Unless an emergency, leaving
you NO OTHER OPTION and or doing so will benefit you in the long run. If you
have used it, pay it in full ahead of time. If you can’t afford it, then pay
higher than the minimum amount otherwise you will experience the burden of
interest. Using this mode of payment has its pros and cons, use it wisely.
These four major reminders will help us enhance our planning
skill, manage our time wisely, control our desire, and use the saved funds for
other important things or as my wife and I prefer, invest it!
To know more about FREEDOM OF CHOICE or Power of Choice please visit
http://cliffordbustillo.wordpress.com/ |
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